Curizent Learning Room

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Is this your first time here?

Hi! For full access to courses you will need to take a minute to
create a new account for yourself on this site. 

Here are the steps:

  1. Fill out the New Account form by clicking on “Create new account” button below.
  2. All the fields with * are mandatory to populate
  3. Make sure you use the same email id for this site registration that have been used for registering in FHIR Course
  4. Copy username and password and keep it with you for future login
  5. Currently, this site will not be able to send you email confirmation to complete account creation and you will get error for this step. Do not worry, Admin will confirm your account creation manually from site backend and will update you separately over your mail
  6. Post account confirmation, when you login in site for the first time,  it will ask to add course name. Select the course you have attended. This is mandatory field and must be populated
  7. Enrolling for Mock test- details will be shared over mail separately
  8. If you face any other issues, write back to